Title: Vacant (an Empathy novella)
Author: Ker Dukey
Genre: Dark Erotica
Release Date: March 30, 2015
When two dark souls connect the draw is too dominant to ignore and the obsession of owning the only color to brighten my dark world too unrelenting to not obey. I left her alone so she could live a normal life but I was weak, how can she live a normal life after so much sinister chaos invaded her world, summoning her own darkness to the surface? The depraved devil that is me now had an anchor, someone to venture into the black abyss with. Normal wasn’t a path ever set for Cereus. She was her Father’s daughter but my soul mate, even if I disputed ever owning one. She was struggling without me in her life, the vacant ache inside her leaking out. I can’t not go to her, the need is too strong and like with all of my urges I embrace it.
you have ever loved,...really loved. The kind that strengthens your
soul, the kind that make you believe in forever, the kind where they
are the voice in your head that becomes your moral compass? The voice
that leads you into the light or helps you embrace the
darkness...Then you'll understand this book. The bond between Cereus
and Ryan is so strong that they feel an invisible vein pumping blood
from one to the other, almost as if their very existence would cease
if they couldn't be near one another. For Ryan, that's a very
different feeling. he lives in a world where empathy and love are
entirely foreign. They meant nothing to him until he met her. she was
his other half. The light to compliment his dark (with 69 shades of
fucked up in the middle) ''When the wind whispers through the trees,
I imagine its him calling me...but he never appears. He hides from me
in the shadows of my dreams'' I don't have a bad word to say about
this series. If I could lock Ker in my Cellar and force her to write
me more Ryan tales...that's where she'd stay...but I hear that's
frowned upon! -cough- and illegal. 5 stars (500 still wouldn't be
I have always had a passion for storytelling, whether it be through lyrics or bed time stories with my sisters. I wanted to be an actress growing up so I could live many roles but I learned early on that my mind was too active… I would want to change the script.I would watch films and think of ways they could of improved the story if they took another direction so i thought it best that i tell my own.My mum would always have a book in her hand when I was young and passed on her love for reading, inspiring me to venture into writing my own. I tend to have a darker edge to my writing. Not all love stories are made from light, some are created in darkness but are just as powerful and worth telling.When I’m not lost in the world of characters I love spending time with my family. I’m a mum and that comes first in my life but when I do get down time I love attending music concerts or reading events with my younger sister.
You can find me on Facebook where i love interacting with my readers.